sqlpackage.exe Azure export error started  few days ago

I was using this for a couple of months and suddenly since few days, I can't do it anymore

sqlpackage.exe /a:Export /ssn:xxxxxxx.database.windows.net /sdn:"xxx" /su:"xxx" /sp:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" /tf:"xxxxxx.bacpac"
Connecting to database 'xxxxx' on server 'xxxxxxx.database.windows.net'.

Extracting schema
Extracting schema from database

*** Error exporting database:Could not extract package from specified database. Unable to reconnect to database: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. The wait operation timed out

  • Edited by Alex71938 Monday, December 15, 2014 3:30 AM
December 15th, 2014 3:30am

Hi Alex,

Thanks for posting here.

We are looking into this issue and will revert at the earliest.

Girish Prajwal

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December 15th, 2014 9:03am


A successful export would look like below.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\bin>SqlPackage.exe /action:Export /sourceservername:exuk7jy6ft.database.windows.net /sourcedatabasename:KKB /sourceuser:karthkri /sourcepassword:<password> /targetfile:D:\Share\kkb.bacpac

Connecting to database 'KKB' on server 'exuk7jy6ft.database.windows.net'.

Extracting schema

Extracting schema from database

Resolving references in schema model

Validating schema model

Validating schema model for data package

Validating schema

Exporting data from database

Exporting data

Processing Table '[dbo].[table1]'.

Successfully exported database and saved it to file 'D:\Share\kkb.bacpac'.

By default this tool uses X number of retries if theres a disconnect. So you may have to retry the whole operation again in such failure situations.

To use sqlpackage.exe, install the SQL Server data tools.


Then for additional reference, refer this:


hope this helps you.

Girish Prajwal

December 16th, 2014 2:21am

I don't get it what is the point of your post? To tell me to retry?? I retried many times.

Next time write something meaningful. 

Also mods, please don't mark this as answer

  • Edited by Alex71938 Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:52 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
December 16th, 2014 2:25am

Hi Alex,

"sqlpackage.exe" is a tool which doesn't have additional logging neither for customer, nor can we look further in our backend for the operation you're performing. So it makes us difficult to troubleshoot the failures with respect to this tool.
To understand, if it's a problem with this tool or database related, you can try the following.

1. You can try to export the database from SSMS
2. You can try to export the database from Management portal

advantage with running the export with Management portal is that,
this generates an operation ID which can be looked in at the backend.
There is disadvantage of running the export in Management portal as well, like there was a set of limitations since many users will use the same I/E queue; you may run into excessive transactional log usage, queue length issue etc.

Please try the options told and get back to us.

Girish Prajwal

December 16th, 2014 4:13am

I can export using Management portal, but i need to use sqlpackage.exe because we do automated export. 

My other databases are OK (clones of this database), only this one stopped exporting

No, I want sqlpackage.exe. Azure SQL automation was enough pain in the ass to loose this only tool that was working fine

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December 16th, 2014 4:17am

this sucks really

for this money I can't even automate Azure export?? No logs, no meaningful errors? 

December 16th, 2014 6:27pm

I have sqlpackage.exe timeouts out of the blue only on one server. How to diagnose it?

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\bin\sqlpackage.exe" /a:Export /ssn:xxxxxx.database.windows.net /sdn:"xxxxxx" /su:"xxxx" /sp:"xxxxxxxxxx" /tf:"xxxxxx.bacpac"

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December 17th, 2014 2:08am


Apologies for the inconvenience.

I would request you to open a Technical Support ticket so that we could take a deeper look into this issue for you.

As mentioned above, we cannot check the logging for sqlpackage.exe, however we will be able to sql database gateway [connectivity] logs and SQL performance logs which could have an impact on the sqlpackage.exe.



December 17th, 2014 6:37am

Your Support Plan: Free (Billing support only)

Your current plan does not include technical support from Microsoft.Consider upgrading your support plan.

Really?? I pay 60 bucks a months and no tech support?! Damn MS, this is your black side. I pay 8 bucks in US hosting and these guys get to me within 15 min even if it is not their error. But here for weeks I can't resolve a glitch

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December 18th, 2014 2:44am


Thanks for contacting Forum support. In the above response by Mekh, he has suggested to open a support ticket for a specific reason

1. SQLPackage.exe doesn't have it's own logging.

2. However if you open a support ticket, we will be able to sql database gateway logs and SQL performance logs which could have an impact on the SQLPackage.exe.

This post might seem repetitive but it's because of the fact that, the error message is  "Could not extract package from specified database. Unable to reconnect to database: Timeout expired." This could mean many things which Mekh has been discussing with you throughout the post.

One quick question here:

1. What is the frequency of this failing using SQLPackage.exe? (If I remember correctly, this tool is working fine with many other databases. have you tried and found out what is the outstanding change of this DB when compared to other DBs?)

2. When the SQLPackage.exe failed, how was the database performance? Was it over-loaded?

3. Was there any outages at that time? (http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/support/service-dashboard/)

4. Sometimes, the Dashboard doesn't list all the outages if the impact is not huge in which cases, opening a support ticket helps. The support team contacts the Operations team (who manage the data-center machines) and if required, they involve the Product Group developers in extreme situations.

5. This is a repetition; the SQLPackage.exe import/export of bacpac/dacpac doesn't have a 'Operation ID'. That means, we cannot trace the failure to check why there was a Timeout/connection issue/performance issue/queue length issue etc.

Again, SQLPackage.exe is not the only tool out there. We strongly recommend you to use tools like Export, Automated exports etc.

With the new SQL Azure DB announcements, you actually don't even need to make a copy of the database using SQLPackage.exe. You can use the Geo-restore/Deleted databases/Restore feature in case of disasters (/Oops delete). For a new service tier database (Basic/Standard/Premium), we internally maintain backups and in case you need to restore the database, you can use the 'Restore' functionality to restore the database to a point 7 days (Basic tier), 15 days (Standard) and up to 35 days (Premium tier). This very feature itself solves your very problem of performing an export using SQLPackage.exe. (http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2014/09/13/azure-sql-database-geo-restore/)

Said that, if you open a support incident, the team will be able to talk to you over the phone and spend good amount of time, have a screen-sharing session, having 1:1 follow-ups, escalation routes etc.

I hope this reply helps you and I hope you will be able to make better business decisions with tools such as SQLPackage.exe itself.

-Karthik (KKB)

December 18th, 2014 6:58am

I can't open support ticket, even I am a paid customer and pay 60 USD monthly

We strongly recommend you to use tools like Export, Automated exports etc.

Come on, these tools are super inconvenient. I need to click a file and download a database.

SQLPackage.exe fails 100% of the time on one DB only 

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December 19th, 2014 7:38am

So nothing???

I can't automate db export with Azure with SQLPackage.exe 

December 20th, 2014 2:52pm


it was because i had Standard for SQL database tier

I think MS should address this bug

  • Marked as answer by Alex71938 Wednesday, December 24, 2014 8:33 AM
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
December 21st, 2014 1:13am


Do you mean that exporting is working now ?



December 23rd, 2014 8:01am

Mekh Subba, you marked an answer without checking the thread - this is very bad for MS image. This is why MS forums are mostly useless, unlike stackoverflow.com, where I know answer is correct.

The solution for this is to upgrade the tier. So this is Azure bug.

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December 24th, 2014 8:33am

I encountered the same Problem when switching from SQL Service Tier 'Web' (retired) to the new Tier 'Basic'. With 'Basic' sqlpackage.exe hangs after line 'Extracting schema from database'.

Switching to Service Tier 'Standard' made the difference for me: Still, sqlpackage pauses some time in this state, but after a while it continues and manages to complete the DB export successfully.

I think, it's a bug Microsoft should fix because by flagging 'Web' as 'retired' they are putting pressure on people to switch from a working commandline solution and eventually start with some try and error loops which should not be necessary. To be clear: My only reason to run with Tier 'Standard' which costs double the prize of 'Basic' is because of this issue with sqlpackage...

May 7th, 2015 10:15am

I encountered the same Problem when switching from SQL Service Tier 'Web' (retired) to the new Tier 'Basic'. With 'Basic' sqlpackage.exe hangs after line 'Extracting schema from database'.

Switching to Service Tier 'Standard' made the difference for me: Still, sqlpackage pauses some time in this state, but after a while it continues and manages to complete the DB export successfully.

I think, it's a bug Microsoft should fix because by flagging 'Web' as 'retired' they are putting pressure on people to switch from a working commandline solution and eventually start with some try and error loops which should not be necessary. To be clear: My only reason to run with Tier 'Standard' which costs double the prize of 'Basic' is because of this issue with sqlpackage...

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 7th, 2015 10:20am

I encountered the same Problem when switching from SQL Service Tier 'Web' (retired) to the new Tier 'Basic'. With 'Basic' sqlpackage.exe hangs after line 'Extracting schema from database'.

Switching to Service Tier 'Standard' made the difference for me: Still, sqlpackage pauses some time in this state, but after a while it continues and manages to complete the DB export successfully.

I think, it's a bug Microsoft should fix because by flagging 'Web' as 'retired' they are putting pressure on people to switch from a working commandline solution and eventually start with some try and error loops which should not be necessary. To be clear: My only reason to run with Tier 'Standard' which costs double the prize of 'Basic' is because of this issue with sqlpackage...

May 7th, 2015 2:14pm

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